To strengthen governance of the Bursary Fund, the executive committee resolved to establish the audit committee whose task is to provide assurance provide assurance that the SCM executive committee is discharging its responsibilities in line with acceptable governance standards, policies of the bursary fund, constitution of the NWU SCM Alumni Association, and lastly the laws and the constitution of the Republic of South Africa.

Mr Ben Morule
He was a member of the SCM in the early 1990’s to mid - 1990’s. He holds a B Com degree with Statistics and Management as major courses. He served in various capacities, including in the leadership of the SCM. He has deep experience in among others, monitoring and evaluation as well as corporate governance.

Ms Kereng Makhoana-
She was a member of the SCM in the early to mid-1990’s. She served in different committees of the leadership council of the SCM. She is a graduate with B Com degree with Accounting and Auditing as majors. Her work experience includes more than 20 years in internal auditing in the private and public sectors.

Dr Geoff Tshepe
He was a member of the SCM in the early 1990’s to mid - 1990’s. He served, among others, as vice chairman and chairman during his time in the SCM. Geoff holds a doctoral degree in Education. He is an experienced academic in tertiary education.

Ms Faith Khoza
She was in the SCM in the mid to late 1990’s. She served in various capacities, including as a member of the worship team. Faith’s work experience includes internal auditing public finance and personal finance. She is a graduate with B Com degree in Accounting and Auditing.